Empowering Global Citizens to achieve their God-given potential

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” - Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV)

Our Impact

As a faith-based 501(c)(3) public charity, Global Empowerment Services Inc. (GEmS) partners with communities of Christ-followers around the world to provide high quality educational and training services to those of any ethnic background who cannot afford them. 

We welcome you as you consider volunteering or donating to our programs and partnering programs!

Our Mission

We provide high quality supplemental educational programs to individuals from new immigrant and refugee communities.

We are Innovative

We have developed a community-based learning model to meet the supplemental educational needs of individuals from new immigrant and refugee communities from around the world. 

We Provide

Within each center, we work toward providing academic tutoring, job-skills training, GED and standardized test preparation, and literacy and language training.

We Serve

We serve our participants by helping them develop fundamental skills, empowering them to develop confidence, and celebrating with them when they achieve successes. 

We Partner

In places beyond our reach, we partner with like-minded organizations to fund and assist programs in various local communities around the world.


Community Based Learning Center Model

Informal Social Networks

Refugee/New Immigrant Communities consist of informal social networks.

Educational Needs

The educational needs are based on age and life-stage factors. We divide participants into groups including mature adults, young adults, children, and women with infants. We create programs to address individual needs.

Core Needs

For new immigrants and refugees, each age or life-stage group experiences different challenges. These include a lack of freedom due to language barriers, a lack of job opportunities, and social/cultural isolation.