Community-Based Learning Center Model

Model of New Immigrant/Refugee Communities

Global Empowerment Services Core Values

Each person has unique intrinsic value and dignity

Those facing a poor quality of life can improve their personal circumstances through the process of empowerment by:

  • Helping them to develop new skills.
  • Awarding their progress.
  • Celebrating their successes.
  • Interacting with them by crossing cultural & social boundaries.

Individuals tend to succeed the most if they are helped within their own natural environments.

We therefore endeavor to empower our students through their own personal social networks. For refugees and other new immigrants, this means their own primary families, relatives and close friends.

“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received from me, or seen in me – put into practice.” - Phil 4: 8-9a

Strategy: To Target Age or Gender Specific Needs​

The Empowerment Process

Develop Essential Skills
Engage through Community Events
Partner with like-minded organizations

  • GED/College Prep 
  • Adult ESL Classes
  • Job-Skills Training
  • After-School Tutoring

  • Award Progress
  • Celebrate Successes
  • Interact crossing cultural/social boundaries

  • Share cost/funding
  • Share facilities/volunteers
  • Meet other needs